Friday, November 27, 2009
Second Life
Today i went on to second life and i made a soda machine and then built another flying house!!! : 0 }
Friday, August 22, 2008

Yesterday We learned how to make 20 stairs and then when somebdy walks on the stairs I would make it explode and then they would fall and then hit the gropund!! And it would be cool! I also learned how to make little circles fall and roll for 5 seconds and then they explode. Today were going to do a pod race. And I'm really exiding!! I'm going to put like a boost and I'm probibly also going to somehow thow a bomb at someone and I will hit them off.
What i Learn On Second Life!
On Second Life i learn how to make my objet to make stairs when i told it to and explodle them too. My objet also tought to make my objet dance with me when i told it too. I learn how to do alot with my objets like to move it to make it invisable i learn alot this past week about my objet and, about second life, House and, also about my avator. I made a pet yesterday and how to make it comand me. Today i am going to make a car. And we are all going to race ecother. I am planing to have partacles to come out of my car so the other players cant see. I am goingt o make my car go faster when i tell it to and i am goign to do more but i dont know what i am going to do next. Today before the finnel race i am going to ask ed how to i make my car fly and how to let my car move just by the arrow keys.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Moving on to Loops
We're nearly ready to learn loops. So, by the end of the day, we will have covered the basic structure of LSLWiki programs, if-then statements, and loops -- which, from what I can tell, are the basics of programming.
The kids have now learned enough that they've started to mine Ed's programs on his Second Life blog. William was able to turn his rocket into a particle generator without any help. Hopefully, after Friday, most of them will be able to manipulate the scripts that they find on-line and get objects to do what they want them to do.
We're pleased! They're really catching on.
They asked today if it was possible to do videos in SL. I showed them some of the videos that Ed found on YouTube. I suspect, we'll have some short films by the end of tomorrow!
The kids have now learned enough that they've started to mine Ed's programs on his Second Life blog. William was able to turn his rocket into a particle generator without any help. Hopefully, after Friday, most of them will be able to manipulate the scripts that they find on-line and get objects to do what they want them to do.
We're pleased! They're really catching on.
They asked today if it was possible to do videos in SL. I showed them some of the videos that Ed found on YouTube. I suspect, we'll have some short films by the end of tomorrow!

On second life i learn how to make my object to appear when i told it to! I now know how i can turn my self into a dragon costume, I learn how to make my parrot copy me too. and i also learned how to get a parrot. and now my object follows me now whenever i tell it to. last night i found a rocket in the ocean. i now know how to find a car and how to get one because now i have a car. and i now how
to dising and make a house on ground and up in the air! and Tiffani and Ed showed me a website that it has all of the scrips of what differnt things i can do all i need to do for anthing on second life!! It is called
to dising and make a house on ground and up in the air! and Tiffani and Ed showed me a website that it has all of the scrips of what differnt things i can do all i need to do for anthing on second life!! It is called

Yesterday I learned how to become a dragon and I also learned how to put one of our things in a box and then make it explode! And I thought that was cool! I also learned how to make our parrot say the same exact thing that we said. But sometimes when we would be to close to another parrot that when we said something the parrot next to us would say the same and my parrot would the same and after it got a little annoying so I had to fly far far away from the other parrot so they don't keep talking for ever!!!Tiffani I'm sending you two images.

In Second Life there is a possibillity of turning into a dragon. First you access your inventory,go to library,shirts, then click on Dragonlet... costume. You can also program a parrot to copy your every words!! There is also a possibillity of makking a bomb or "exploding object". For more programs in second life go to
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Our New Space in TSL

We just started the second annual EdBoost computer camp, ComputerBoost!, of course, with a new parcel of land, courtesy of Virtual World Campus (we've leased the land through FireSabre). This piece of land is certainly quite picturesque and we have river and ocean views. The kids have, as usual, gotten busy building all kinds of structures.
In terms of programming, this batch of kids is amazing! They've covered 5 lessons so far. In two days, they learned to create objects, have them talk, have them listen, make them change colors, make them move (using the 3-D vectors), and make them explode (which involves having the object listen to an explode command, make a noise, and shoot out a picture). For practical reasons, many of them have also learned to talk on different channels and they've definitely learned to raid Ed's inventory for his images, sounds, and songs. Greg's exploder sings Blue Moon when it explodes! William's exploder shoots out pictures of Homer Simpson. In super-advanced moves, William has managed to create a rocket ship out of his object (by appending other objects), put his script into the rocket, so it now moves (he can ride it) and explodes (although he's altered the program so that the explosion is really more of a blast off of Homer Simpsons than a proper explosion.
Today we learn to rez... which should be really fun.
What I learned yesterday
Yesterday on SecondLife

Yesterday on SecondLife I learned how to make my objects move up, down,front and back. We also learned how to make objects explode. I think it's a good experience for us and it's really fun! I really like playing it. And also when you make stuff explode you can make when you make stuff explode and you can when it explodes you can make American flags shout out or whatever you want. I'm going to send you a picture atached to what I wrote.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Second Life
Second life was a great experience for me! Doing cubes making house doing hole lot more i like second life when i go home from edboost i go to my computer and i play second life i have learn a lot from it so now i cant believe what i can do next
SecondLife was a good experience. It was really fun! It's really fun how we would take out a magic wand and hit the ground and a shape would appear! It was awesome! It was fun also how you could tell the shape to say you are the god or something like that.You could make many more things!! I think I am going to be playing SecondLIfe for quite a while.
second life
Second life was a cool experience. Programming the cubes to do what ever we wanted them to do was awesome!
Second life experiment
I really liked second life game because it was very fun to build stuff around, must of all i really liked making boxes die, turn in to green, blue,red,yellow,and it can turn invisible and visible. Also you can make your box go into different shapes and sizes. I really second life it was very cool and fun.
Friday, April 27, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
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